Join us in building our
first ever WASH Hub,
a community center dedicated to solving the persistent and devastating barriers of rural poverty in Tanzania.


What is happening at

Please view the video to see the very first phase of the WASH Hub construction activities and water project.

WASH Hub Water Image


The WASH Hub is centered around a water source that provides clean water for drinking, cooking, washing clothes, and cleaning dishes.

WASH Hub Agriculture Image


We provide new technologies, agriculture inputs (seeds and fertilizers), and the financing to increase yields and income.

WASH Hub Sanitation Image


The WASH Hub offers several toilet options and financial support opportunities for building one (or two).

WASH Hub Hygiene Image


Maji Safi Group’s Community Health Educators have over 10 years of experience teaching healthy habits and disease prevention. In the end, prevention is always cheaper than treatment.

Before and After WASH Hub Diagram