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A WASH Hub is a new innovative concept for developing community centers focused on agriculture and created in cooperation with Maji Safi Group.

MSG started building the first WASH Hub in the Rorya District of Tanzania at the end of 2022. We believe that the best way to alleviate poverty is by providing people with technology, education, access to finance, and good WASH infrastructure and knowledge, so they can generate income to improve personal and public health.

WASH Hub Mother and Child Doing Laundry

Our Solutions

The WASH Hub is growing day by day!

We broke ground on the first WASH Hub in late 2022 and in early March 2023, we finalized the very first phase of the WASH Hub construction activities and launched our water project at the Sokorabolo site. In collaboration with ward and village government leaders we offered free water services to community members from neighborhood villages, laundry service at the laundry block, and spaces to hang clothes to dry. Community members got the opportunity to get know about MSG programs and activities, receive various WASH lessons and learn about Menstrual Hygiene Health and disease prevention.

In July 2023 the WASH Hub is starting full operations and are building towards a market-driven model that can fund itself. In addition to covering their own expenses, WASH Hubs will provide both our vendors and our clients with new income-generating activities. A Wash Hub stands in contrast to many traditional and well-intentioned charity efforts that hand out money and give advice, and each WASH Hub will simultaneously create more prosperous and healthier communities.

Quite a nice set of returns on a small investment!


What We Are Doing & What You Get …

The WASH Hub Project

This project was designed by a group of highly qualified professionals from around the world and was carefully thought out to create a realistic plan for the initial WASH Hub. We have already purchased the land, have a functioning water point with treated water, a laundry block with drying lines and small office and living quarters for staff. While this is significant development in the area we work, we know it is only the start of a much bigger project!

The idea of completing our first WASH Hub has been driving our team for years now, and we are excited to join forces with supporters like you to turn this dream into reality.

The WASH Hub Team

Our team has worked hard with professional cost estimators in Tanzania to make sure the budget for building this facility is realistic, conservative, and achievable. As we build the WASH Hub one piece at a time, we use through systems to make sure our operations are cost efficient and tracked by contracts and financial reports.

The initial WASH Hub is estimated to cost about $320,000 USD – just a fraction of the construction price in a high-income country. Additionally, the target for this campaign is to raise enough to include the first year of salaries for 20 staff members and the initial inventory of all the products that will be for sale at the facility. This cost is estimated to be about $80,000 USD.

The WASH Hub Income-Generating

As the WASH Hub will grow, it will continue to become self-funding, based on the projected income-generating services it provides. Like all good budgets, ours has built-in contingencies on all known costs to protect the project from inevitable and unforeseeable cost impacts that often come up. This campaign has been designed to make sure that the project stays on track and is sustainable.

This project has NO overhead costs, and up to this point, all labor for project planning has been donated by a dedicated group of development workers, architects, construction managers, and videographers that believe in the hope that WASH Hubs will bring.

To build just the infrastructure in the US would be between 3-4 million dollars, but in Tanzania, we can build the whole center, buy the initial inventory to start generating income, and pay our staff of 20 for one year for only $400,000!

WASH Hub Campus Progress Image

This project has NO overhead costs, and up to this point, all labor for project planning has been donated by a dedicated group of development workers, architects, construction managers, and videographers that believe in the hope that WASH Hubs will bring.

To build just the infrastructure in the US would be between 3-4 million dollars, but in Tanzania, we can build the whole center, buy the initial inventory to start generating income, and pay our staff of 20 for one year for only $400,000!